Cost: Sliding Scale $10-$45, No one turned away for lack of funds
Pre-requisites: ability to run Zoom on tablet, phone, computer, etc. If you technical assistance with set-up prior to sign-up, please contact me here.
“Many endings. Many beginnings. May we honor the space between.”
Octavia Raheem
Does it ever feel like things are changing faster than you can process? As another year begins to end and we observe autumn morph into winter, what lessons might we glean from nature in handling change that comes our way? What can we let go of because it’s not needed for the season to come? What space might we need to process the ever-changing moment? What was only in our life a season? How might we learn to cultivate what we want to grow long-term?
For this Zoom workshop, we’ll check-in with ourselves and each other. We’ll move gently and explore simple breath work to connect ourselves to practices that have nourished communities of color across the globe, for generations. We’ll also take a cue from the seasons that are shifting around us: learning how to start slowing down, how we might begin letting go of what we don’t need in the present moment, eventually making space to revel in rest. Along the way, we’ll weave in shorter snippets of self-care, to squirrel away for when burrowing into 2hrs of respite is more than your schedule allows.
All levels welcome. If you have questions or access needs that will help you join us, feel free to reach out to me at
Brown Sugar is a yoga and mindfulness practice for people of color, as well as a community in NYC. We intend to provide a healing and empowering affinity space for people of color, recognizing that often when Black, Brown and Indigenous people show up to yoga in the US we may be the only one, or one of just a few – or we may not show up at all. Brown Sugar is a space for people of color, because the racism that exists in our society also shows up in yoga spaces, and can be yet another source of stress and (re) traumatization. We aim to provide a warm, nurturing yoga class and community that centers on people of color.